Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Training Week 10 Review

Run Mileage: 45.46
Bike Mileage: 10.82
Yoga Classes: 1
Time Strength Training: 2.15
Swimming: 0

I have learned a couple of "hacks" this week that did, or would have had I thought of them earlier, made this week stellar. 

First, something I have been struggling with: I call it TEMPO TUESDAY, also known as, "just kill me now." I am not a fan of Tempo Tuesday, until the past week and today. I consistently felt like the most out of shape piece of rotten banana for every tempo run. I struggled immensely to keep up on the assigned pace, worried about how I was going to make the paces grow longer in upcoming training, and worst of all, experienced some self doubt. Yeah, so remember how I have complained about running in the heat? While it's getting easier and I am able to run faster in hotter temperatures, I still struggle if I don't get out at the exact right moment of the day... which I don't... often... especially when procrastinating a run I anticipate will suck. So, I got this idea, and maybe it is cheating, but it's working. I am feeling stronger, faster and my confidence during tempo runs is building. I call it the "out in out" run. It goes like this, I run my warm up miles in the blazing heat, ending at the gym near my house. I then hop on the treadmill and do my speed work with the air conditioning, setting the pace I need, maybe a little elevation if I'm feeling good or guilty and kill it. I then run a mile home and do whatever my strength assignment is for the day. My tempo time on the treadmill is feeling easier and I realized today I will have to increase it a little. After being in the heat, it feels like nothing and my heart and breathing are easy peasy. I don't know if this is a horrible idea or not, but right now I'm enjoying this technique. Perhaps when the weather improves I can take it to the road and it will still feel easy. That's the hope anyway.

I made a setting on my Garmin for outside inside runs so they will be measured as individual workouts. 
The other thing I learned was thanks to a weekend outing at Minuteman National Historical Park. Mallory and I decided to take a field trip to this park that we've passed on our way to our Northern New England neighboring states. We both had runs planned for later in the day. Much to our (or maybe just mine) surprise, this would have been an amazing place to run and people were running and riding bikes all over the place. There were dirt trails and beautiful landscapes everywhere. My guts were screaming for a run, but alas, I was left to stroll the park in my jeans and non-running sneaks, wishing I had just brought a change of clothing. Therefore, meet the emergency run kit!

Emergency Run Kit
The emergency run kit goes in my car and includes shoes, socks, shorts and running shirt, allowing me to run anywhere I have my car close by. I never know when the need for speed will overwhelm me, but from this moment forward, I shall be prepared. Bring it!

Minute Man National Park: You shall not be left unroll again!
In more good news running has become increasingly easy and enjoyable most of the time. I have been running most runs with negative splits, not because I am trying, but because as my body warms up, it just feels better and easier as I go. On one six miler this past week, I did the sixth mile at a 7:20 average pace, just because it felt right. I probably shouldn't, because that's not a part of my plan, but every now and then I need to have a little fun with it and challenge myself. Running is feeling good again.

1 comment:

  1. Good plan!! Pack one for me. I will also need a sports bra.
