Monday, July 20, 2015

Marathon Training Week 7

Run Mileage: 26.01
Bike Mileage: 0
Yoga Classes: 2
Time Strength Training: 1:06:11
Swimming: 134 yards

This was my first cutback week in this training plan and I really felt it was well deserved. I am pretty impressed with myself for hitting my mileage as planned. Pace, not always, but close. I have worked hard the past several weeks. I feel like I'm doing okay, continuing with my cross training and feeling strong enough to continue. It takes so much effort (as I was told it would) that it's hard to know if I'm getting stronger for sure, because my legs are often pretty pooped and the workouts feel tough. These next two weeks of cutting back might provide the recovery that will allow me to see what progress has been made so far.

This was the first week of the past seven that I missed a run from my plan. On Friday I was under the impression my allergies were acting up. On Saturday I assumed they were still acting up, although I felt feverish and tired and did my long run anyway (it's the most important after all). By Sunday I realized I had a cold. I only had 3 miles and some strength training on the schedule, but I just could not. I probably slept 12-13 hours that day and just wanted to go back to bed. I kept waiting and putting off my run for the weather to be better (it was hot) and to feel better, but it just kept getting hotter and I kept feeling sicker. I had a 3 miler. I did not do it. I feel a little guilty. There is really something to be said for doing runs first thing in the morning, because I would have been better able to fight it then and get it done in spite of not feeling amazing.

I've been trying to take cutting back seriously and allow my legs as much rest and recovery as possible while sticking to the plan. Less yoga. No biking. I swam around the pond for about 4 minutes. Easy peasy. Sorta. And 3 miles short, but I'm just gonna keep keeping on.

I have no exciting photos of runs this week, so I leave you with this shot of my new Newtons and Zensah compression socks.


  1. Glad you took some much needed recovery time! Those Newtons look AMAZING paired with the Zenzah!

  2. Thank you Suzanne. They feel great too.

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